Trobule Shoting Speedy!!!
Jumat, 07 Desember 2007A. DSL Indicator dead:
1. check the RJ 11 Cable Position.
2. check phone line qulity ( god or bad noise )
3. check paralel cable if u have. my be short the cable.
B.DSL indicator on but speedy cannot connect:
1. The Problem From Costumer
a. Check modem configuration right or not. if wrong the message when u dial are error 678
b. position connection tyope ppoe or bride with vpi 8 vci 8. if wrong message diplayed are error 678
c. check your id and password right or not.if not message display error 691
d. have you use the id mobile. message error 691. casue 1 id 1 phone no.
2. Problem from PT.Telkom Side
a. we check the NMS on phone central, if port error indication display to costumer are error 678/691. so we must rest with nms or manual with command:
DSL# reset card 1/1 if you want reset all use 1 module.
b. Cek NMS apa module DSLAM yang hang, jika iya lakukan shutdown module DSLAM
DSL#conf t Interface M 1
DSL#write mem
c. Cabut module yang bermasalah beberapa waktu. dan konek kan lagi. setelah itu baru di aktifkan lagi module DSLAMnya dengan command line no shutdown. indikator error 678
DSL#conf t Interface M 1
DSL#no shutdown
DSL#write mem
d. DSLAM ok tidak ada masalah dipastikan permasalahan di sisi RADIUS dan RAS server