Cisco Router Configuration Commands
Jumat, 11 Juli 2008Requirement Cisco Command
Set a console password to cisco
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#password cisco
Set a telnet password
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password cisco
Stop console timing out
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0
Set the enable password to cisco
Router(config)#enable password cisco
Set the enable secret password to peter. This password overrides the enable password and is encypted within the config file
Router(config)#enable secret peter
Enable an interface
Router(config-if)#no shutdown
To disable an interface
Set the clock rate for a router with a DCE cable to 64K
Router(config-if)clock rate 64000
Set a logical bandwidth assignment of 64K to the serial interface
Router(config-if)bandwidth 64
Note that the zeroes are not missing
To add an IP address to a interface
Router(config-if)#ip addr
To enable RIP on all 172.16.x.y interfaces
Router(config)#router rip
Disable RIP
Router(config)#no router rip
To enable IRGP with a AS of 200, to all interfaces
Router(config)#router igrp 200
Disable IGRP
Router(config)#no router igrp 200
Static route the remote network is, with a mask of
the next hop is, at a cost of 5 hops
Router(config)#ip route 5
Disable CDP for the whole router
Router(config)#no cdp run
Enable CDP for he whole router
Router(config)#cdp run
Disable CDP on an interface
Router(config-if)#no cdp enable
Sumber :
Cisco Router Show Commands
Requirement Cisco Command
View version information
Show version
View current configuration (DRAM)
show running-config
View startup configuration (NVRAM)
Show startup-config
Show IOS file and flash space
Show flash
Shows all logs that the router has in its memory
show log
View the interface status of interface e0
show interface e0
Overview all interfaces on the router
show ip interfaces brief
View type of serial cable on s0
show controllers 0 (note the space between the ’s’ and the ‘0′)
Display a summary of connected cdp devices
show cdp neighbor
Display detailed information on all devices
show cdp entry *
Display current routing protocols
show ip protocols
Display IP routing table
show ip route
Display access lists, this includes the number of displayed matches
show access-lists
Check the router can see the ISDN switch
show isdn status
Check a Frame Relay PVC connections
show frame-relay pvc
Display the frame inverse ARP table
show frame-relay map
Cisco Router Basic Operations
Requirement Cisco Command
Enter privileged mode
Return to user mode from privileged
Exit Router
Logout or exit or quit
Recall last command
up arrow or <Ctrl-P>
Recall next command
down arrow or <Ctrl-N>
Suspend or abort
<Shift> and <Ctrl> and 6 then x
Refresh screen output
Compleat Command
Cisco Router Copy Commands
Cisco Command
Save the current configuration from DRAM to NVRAM
copy running-config startup-config
Merge NVRAM configuration to DRAM
copy startup-config running-config
Copy DRAM configuration to a TFTP server
copy runing-config tftp
Merge TFTP configuration with current router configuration held in DRAM
copy tftp runing-config
Backup the IOS onto a TFTP server
copy flash tftp
Upgrade the router IOS from a TFTP server
copy tftp flash
Cisco Router Debug Commands
requirement Cisco Command
Enable debug for RIP
debug ip rip
Enable summary IGRP debug information
debug ip igrp events
Enable detailed IGRP debug information
debug ip igrp transactions
debug ipx routing activity
debug IPX SAP
Enable debug for CHAP or PAP
debug ppp authentication
Switch all debugging off
no debug all
undebug all