Huawei simple router configuration
Minggu, 12 April 2009n mode access privileges
Conference into the overall allocation model
In the allocation of molecule into the serial port 0
Ip ip address and mask add added telecommunications distribution
Enca hdlc/ppp tied link protocol hdlc or ppp
Ip unn e0
Exit back to the overall distribution pattern
E0 entered in the distribution of Ethernet Adapter
Ip ip address and mask add added telecommunications distribution
Exit back to the overall distribution pattern
Add ip route's routing table 0
Ena password password
Most of these applications in accordance with China Telecom ddn green
Ordinary user mode
Enable users to model privileges
Exit from distribution
Help system to help brief
Switching language instruction mode
Inspection of ping and network servers connecting it up to the mainframe
Show Information Display System Operation
Telnet remote login function
What path to the destination after tracert tracking device
Privileged user mode
Clear statistical information removed
Clock management system clock
Configure access to the overall distribution pattern
Debug debugging Opening Switch
Disable return to the ordinary user mode
Download new versions of software and configuration file download
Erase the erasure allocation FLASH
Switching from overtime exec-timeout opened EXEC
Exit from distribution
First-config initial configuration installed or removed signs
Help system to help brief
Switching language instruction mode
Open the screen monitor users switching output debugging information
No closed debugging Switch
Inspection of ping and network servers connecting it up to the mainframe
Reboot router reopening
Path setup configuration parameters
Show Information Display System Operation
Telnet remote login function
What path to the destination after tracert tracking device
Unmonitor closed user information screen debugging output switch
Write to Flash will keep the current configuration parameters were MEM
Overall allocation model
Aaa-enable enable the allocation of AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting)
Access-list standard configuration visit Table
Arp ARP installed passive population
Chat-script generation modems used in the implementation of a script
Custom-list create customized list Queue
Dialer-list create dialer-list
Dram-wait installed DRAM wait state
Enable password changes ENABLE
Exit from the overall distribution pattern
Firewall configuration firewall state
Flow-interval time interval set up traffic control
Frame-relay Frame Relay overall configuration command set
Ftp-server FTP Server
Help system to help brief order
Add the mainframe host name and IP address its
Hostname host name changes
Ifquelen change adapter queue length
Interface adapter configuration options
Ip ordered subset of the overall configuration of IP
Ipx ordered subset of the overall configuration of IPX
Loghost installed mainframe log IP addresses
Logic-channel distribution channel logic
Login started EXEC download certification
Modem-timeout installed modems overtime hours
Multilink multilink configuration of the user Adapter
Multilink-user multilink configuration of the user Adapter
Natserver installed FTP, TELNET, Web services IP addresses
No closure of certain parameters Switch
Priority-list establish priority queue list
Routing start processing router
Settr set up time frame
Snmp-server SNMP parameter changes
Tcp TCP parameters of the overall allocation
Regional start-up or closing time timerange
PPP certification system for the user to add customers
Vpdn installed VPDN
VPDN group set up vpdn-group
A layer x25 X.25
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